Here are a few samples of our music. Klezmorim (klezmer musicians) exchanged many popular tunes with the various indiginous cultures around them.
The first number RUSSIAN SHER, is an example of the influence of Russian culture.
The 2nd song is LEBEDIK UN FREYLACH, ( "lively and merry"). There is no better way to define klezmer music.
The 3rd song reflects the influence of American jazz after klezmer music started it's incredible comeback in the 70's. The song, A BI GEZUNT ("as long as you're healthy") is a perfect example of the transformation of klezmer music from yesteryear to today.
The 4th song is another example of today's klezmer music: BAI MEIR BIST DU SHEIN
("to me you're beautiful"). This was probably the most popular klezmer song to hit the worlds' music charts. It also skyrocketed the Andrew sisters to world-wide fame.